Midjourney 的数字画布上的每一笔都不是一抹颜料,而是一个变革性的想法。
它之所以能够生成如此逼真的图像,就是因为它用成千上万的摄影图片训练而成。因此,Midjourney 与摄影存在千丝万缕的联系。
熟悉摄影中的各个流派,掌握每个摄影流派的底层逻辑,对于发挥 Midjourney 生成逼真图像的能力至关重要。
本文不仅介绍了各个流派的特点,而且还详细说明了如何针对每个流派写 Midjourney 的提示词。在每个流派的部分都附上了示例的图片,以及若干个提示词。
# 人像摄影 (Portrait Photography)
人像摄影的本质是捕捉个人或群体的个性和情绪。在 Midjourney 中,如果你只是用 "portrait (肖像)", "portraiture (肖像画)","face (脸)","expression (表情)" 这些词,未必会生成人像摄影,可能是一幅肖像画。如果要生成逼真的肖像,可以使用 "portrait photography" 这个词。或者一些跟摄影有关的词,比如添加一个我之前文章里(把各种相机加入 Midjourney 指令,效果惊呆了我!)提到的相机型号,或者提到 "camera" 或 "shot" 这样暗示是相机拍摄这样的词。
Prompt: A 5-year-old boy wearing a superhero costume
looking towards the camera with a big smile (一个身穿超级英雄服装的 5 岁男孩微笑着望向镜头)

photo of a young woman in a steampunk outfit sitting on a
vintage chair (一位身着蒸汽朋克装束的年轻女性坐在复古椅子上的照片)
A happy family of four standing in front of a brick wall
laughing together, Nikon D850 (幸福的一家四口站在砖墙前欢声笑语,尼康 D850)
A close-up dramatic portrait of an elderly man with
intricate facial details, Canon 5D Mark IV (一位老人的特写肖像,面部细节错综复杂,佳能 5D Mark IV)
A group shot of friends having a summer picnic in the park
candidly talking and eating (朋友们在公园里边吃边聊的夏日野餐合影)
# 美食摄影 (Food Photography)
在 Midjourney
Prompt: A cake decorated in an ombre rainbow design transitioning
from deep red to vivid purple, perfectly sliced showing the rich layers. Lit to
emphasize the colors. (蛋糕上的彩虹图案从深红色过渡到鲜艳的紫色,切片完美,层次丰富。灯光突出了色彩。)

Aerial view of xiaolongbao soup dumplings piled in a
steamer, with one split open showing the soupy interior and delicate pleats of
the wrapper. (小笼汤包堆放在蒸笼里的鸟瞰图,其中一个汤包被劈开,露出汤汁浓郁的内部和精致的褶皱。)
Fresh hand-pulled noodles being stretched into long, chewy
strands with a vibrant golden color. (新鲜的手拉面被拉成长长的、有嚼劲的面条,色泽金黄,充满活力。)
A dramatic overhead view of Peking duck, with perfectly
lacquered crispy skin served alongside shaved cucumber and hoisin sauce. (俯瞰北京烤鸭,皮脆肉香,配以黄瓜片和海鲜酱。)
Symmetrical Chongqing hot pot with swirling chili oil
dotted with dried chilies, Sichuan peppercorns, and aromatic spices. (对称的重庆火锅,辣椒油中点缀着干辣椒、花椒和香料。)
# 产品摄影 (Product Photography)
产品摄影展示商业项目和物品。为产品摄影写 Midjourney 提示词时,要专注于让产品脱颖而出的关键元素。下面是一些建议:
指定经典的工作室摄影背景,例如“无缝白色 (seamless white)”或“柔和的灰色 (muted gray)”来模仿商业镜头。
如果产品符合特定的生活方式或情感,请将这些相关的词放在 Midjourney 提示词中。
Prompt: A crisp white sneaker suspended in air against a
pure black void, perfectly lit to showcase every detail and texture of the
leather and sole. (一双洁白的运动鞋悬浮在空中,映衬着纯黑色的虚空,完美的灯光将皮革和鞋底的每一个细节和纹理都展现得淋漓尽致。)

Elegant wristwatch featuring leather strap, white
background, soft lighting to highlight texture, capturing a sense of luxury and
sophistication (优雅的手表,采用皮革表带,白色背景,柔和的灯光凸显质感,捕捉奢华和精致的感觉)
Red stiletto heels placed on a monochromatic black setting,
dramatic side lighting to create shadows, fashion-forward, shot at a low angle
to emphasize height (红色细高跟鞋放在单色黑色背景上,戏剧性的侧光创造阴影,时尚前卫,低角度拍摄强调高度)
Sleek silver laptop on a minimalist white desk, ambient
lighting to avoid screen glare, accessorized with high-tech gadgets, modern and
innovative atmosphere, 50mm lens (时尚的银色笔记本电脑放在简约的白色桌子上,环境照明避免屏幕眩光,配有高科技小工具,现代和创新的氛围,50 毫米镜头)
Handcrafted gemstone jewelry on a velvet blue backdrop,
spotlight to capture gem sparkle, intricate macro details, evoke a sense of
luxury and uniqueness (天鹅绒蓝色背景上的手工宝石首饰,聚光灯捕捉宝石的光芒,错综复杂的宏观细节,唤起奢华和独特的感觉)
Outdoor camping gear neatly arranged on a forest floor,
natural morning lighting, wide-angle to capture all gear, adventurous mood with
emphasis on utility (户外露营装备整齐地排列在森林地面上,自然晨光,广角捕捉所有装备,强调实用性的冒险情绪)
An overhead composite showing four seasonal lipstick colors
in a perfect row, equally spaced on a white surface with directed shadows (一张俯视合成图,将四种季节性口红颜色排成一排,均匀分布在带有定向阴影的白色表面上)
# 夜景摄影 (Night Photography)
夜景摄影捕捉的是弱光条件下的场景。无论是城市的天际线,还是野外的篝火,这种类型的摄影都能在太阳下山时展现出世界之美。下面是一些关于夜景摄影的 Midjourney 提示词的建议:
指定是夜间、天黑后,或使用“凌晨 2 点”等时间来设置场景。
使用一个较高的 ISO 值也可以把场景变成夜晚,例如在提示词里添加 "ISO 1000"。
或者指定夜间的光源,例如 "路灯背光 (backlit by street lamps)"、"汽车前灯照明 (illuminated by car headlights)"。
(mysterious)”、“充满活力 (vibrant)”或“宁静 (serene)”这样的词。
添加银河系 (Milky Way)、流星
(meteors) 或北极光 (Aurora Borealis) 等夜空元素,可以创造引人注目的背景。
生成街头场景时,可以在提示词里使用较慢的快门速度如 (shutter speed 2s)
或者长时间曝光 (long exposure) 来捕捉交通中的光迹和模糊的运动效果。
Prompt: a cyborg woman in a neon-lit cityscape with city
lights forming bokeh in the background, Nikon D850 (霓虹灯下的机械女人,背景是城市灯光形成的虚化效果,尼康 D850)

An owl with huge eyes perched on a mossy tree branch in a
mysterious forest at midnight, illuminated by shards of moonlight piercing the
canopy, Nikon D850 (午夜时分,在神秘森林中,一只长着巨大眼睛的猫头鹰栖息在长满青苔的树枝上,月光碎片穿透树冠照亮了它,尼康 D850)
Timelapse composite of Shanghai's neon skyline reflected on
the Huangpu River, speeding light trails from cars on winding elevated highways
streaking above (上海霓虹灯天际线倒映在黄浦江上的延时摄影合成图,汽车在蜿蜒的高架公路上飞驰而过的光迹)
The Eiffel Tower glittering with golden hour light under a
dusky blue sky, a vintage Citroën passing in motion blur on the Pont Alexandre
III bridge below (埃菲尔铁塔在昏暗的蓝色天空下闪烁着金色的光芒,一辆老式雪铁龙在下面的亚历山大三世桥上模糊地驶过)
The grand fountains of the Bellagio choreographed and
illuminated by colored lights, viewed from a gondola on the reflective water of
the Las Vegas Strip at night (夜幕降临,乘坐缆车在拉斯维加斯大道反光的水面上欣赏贝拉吉奥大喷泉在彩灯的照耀下编排而成的壮观景象)
# 建筑摄影 (Architectural Photography)
建筑摄影捕捉建筑物和结构的美丽、细节和复杂性。这种摄影类型通常注重对称、线条和戏剧性的灯光。以下是关于 Midjourney 提示词的一些建议:
在提示词中描述建筑物的风格,如哥特式 (gothic)、现代式(modern)、野兽派 (brutalist)。
在提示词中指定角度可以增强构图,无论是用低角度拍摄 (low-angle shot) 来捕捉建筑物高耸的本质,还是用鸟瞰图 (birds-eye view) 来捕捉对称性,角度都可以发挥重要作用。
描述建筑物中使用的材料类型——石头 (stone)、玻璃 (glass)、金属 (metal)等。
Prompt: Antoni Gaudí's
surreal undulating architecture of Parc Güell,
intricate mosaic details, golden hour (安东尼-高迪的居尔公园超现实的起伏建筑,错综复杂的马赛克细节,金色时光)

harsh Brutalist designs of a government building, focusing
on the symmetry and angular lines as the sun sets, casting long shadows (夕阳西下,投下长长的阴影,政府大楼的野蛮主义设计显得格外刺眼,重点是对称和棱角分明的线条)
A bird's-eye view of a modern skyscraper, highlighting its
glass facade reflecting the clouds and sky, juxtaposed against older brick
buildings (现代摩天大楼的鸟瞰图,突出显示其玻璃幕墙,反射着云彩和天空,与古老的砖砌建筑并列)
Low angle view of a soaring Gothic cathedral interior,
vaulted ceilings disappearing into shadow with intricate stained glass
filtering sunbeams (高耸的哥特式大教堂内部的低角度视图,拱形天花板消失在阴影中,复杂的彩色玻璃过滤着阳光)
The grand domed ceiling of a historic museum and library,
ringed with ornate railings viewable from below, golden lighting catching
floating dust (一座历史悠久的博物馆和图书馆的宏伟圆顶天花板,周围环绕着华丽的栏杆,从下面可以看到,金色的灯光捕捉着漂浮的灰尘)
# 超现实摄影 (Surreal Photography)
超现实摄影将幻想和梦境元素带入照片中,为观众提供了逃离现实的机会。以下是一些在 Midjourney 中创造超现实摄影的建议:
使用“梦幻 (dreamlike)”、“漂浮(floating)”、“空灵 (ethereal)”、“神秘 (mystical)”和“超现实 (surreal)” 等关键字。
Prompt: Stairway made entirely of fluffy white clouds,
ascending gracefully into a clear blue sky. Medium: Photography. Style:
Surreal, reminiscent of Salvador Dali's dreamscapes. Lighting: Ethereal, with
soft sunlight filtering through the clouds, casting gentle shadows. Colors:
Vibrant blues of the sky contrasted with the pure whites of the clouds. (阶梯完全由蓬松的白云构成,优雅地升入湛蓝的天空。媒介:摄影。风格:超现实,让人想起萨尔瓦多-达利的梦境。光线:空灵,柔和的阳光透过云层,投下柔和的阴影。色彩 天空鲜艳的蓝色与云朵纯净的白色形成鲜明对比。)

An immense whale glides elegantly through a bright blue sky
filled with clouds, breaching above a vibrant cityscape (一条巨大的鲸鱼优雅地滑过布满云彩的蔚蓝天空,突破生机勃勃的城市景观)
A figure reading a book while levitating cross-legged
amidst floating pillars of boulders in an open night sky filled with auroras (在充满极光的开阔夜空中,一个人盘腿悬浮在漂浮的巨石柱之间读书)
A child riding a giant monarch butterfly, soaring through a
canyon filled with floating (一个孩子骑着一只巨大的帝王蝶,翱翔在充满漂浮的超大花朵的峡谷中)
A massive waterfall flowing with a cascade of sparkling
diamonds and gemstones, hitting a pool filled with liquid gold (巨大的瀑布流淌着闪闪发光的钻石和宝石,冲击着充满液态黄金的水池)
# 抽象摄影 (Abstract Photography)
Midjourney 提示时,你的关键字可以非常广泛且富有想象力。你可以使用“几何 (geometric)”、“不对称 (asymmetrical)”、“旋转 (swirling)”、“流体 (fluid)”、“有机 (organic)”、“对比 (contrast)”、“单色 (monochrome)”、“霓虹色调 (neon hues)”、“纹理 (texture)”、“混乱 (chaos)”和“图案 (patterns)”等术语。
Prompt: a complex geometric design in the air with a neon
glowstick, captured in a long exposure photograph (用霓虹荧光棒在空中绘制复杂的几何图案,通过长时间曝光拍摄而成)

Brilliant powder pigments thrown into the air photographed
at peak dispersion, explosions of color suspended gracefully (将绚丽的粉末颜料抛向空中,拍摄其最佳分散状态,色彩爆炸优雅地悬浮在空中)
An abstract fluid photography of swirling organic ink forms
in black, white, and red suggesting ribboning chaos (一幅抽象的流体摄影作品,黑、白、红三色的有机墨水在作品中旋转,呈现出带状的混沌状态)
Low-poly geometric digital art that looks voxelated or
glitchy, suggesting the fragmentation of reality (低多边形几何数字艺术,看起来像体素或闪烁,暗示着现实的支离破碎)
Water ripples frozen mid-movement in an ultra high-speed
photograph, interfering waves creating intricate markings (在一张超高速照片中,水波纹在运动中被定格,相互干扰的波纹形成了错综复杂的印记)
# 极简主义摄影 (Minimalist Photography)
Midjourney 提示词时,可以使用那些能让人联想到简洁、清晰和本质的关键词,比如 "简单 (simplicity)"、"极简 (minimal)"、"最少元素 (minimal elements)" 、""干净 (clean)"、整洁 (uncluttered)、"本质 (essence)"、"负空间 (negative space)"、"几何 (geometry) "和 "中性色 (neutral colors)"。
你还可以使用 --no
An uncluttered snowscape with a solitary figure in the
distance, minimal elements, Hasselblad X1D --no footprints (远处有一个孤独的身影,极简的元素,哈苏 X1D --没有脚印的雪景)

Close-up of a pair of minimalist wooden chopsticks against
a neutral color background, emphasizing simplicity (中性色背景下的一双极简木筷特写,强调简约)
A lone streetlight against a dusk sky, sharp contrast, and
clean lines (黄昏天空下孤零零的路灯,对比鲜明,线条干净)
Close-up of a white feather on a dark background,
highlighting its intricate details (深色背景上白色羽毛的特写,突出其复杂的细节)
Singular focus on the flame of a white candle against a
dark background, clean lines (在深色背景下单一聚焦于白色蜡烛的火焰,线条简洁)
# 电影摄影 (Cinematic Photography)
Midjourney 提示词时,重点关注那些能唤起电影中常见的视觉和情感元素的关键词,例如 “戏剧性的灯光(dramatic
lighting)”、“大片 (blockbuster)”、“动作镜头 (action shot)”等。也可以提及特定的电影类型,如动作片 (action)、科幻片 (sci-fi)、恐怖片 (horror movie) 等。宽高比最好设置为16:9。
Prompt: A high-speed motorcycle chase through a neon-lit
city, each bike leaving a streak of light, inspired by cyberpunk thrillers --ar
16:9 (受赛博朋克惊悚片启发,一辆摩托车在霓虹灯照耀下的城市中高速追逐,每辆摩托车都留下一道光影)

Superhero Landing in Heroic Pose Amidst Swirling Debris
After an Epic Building Explosion: Blockbuster action shot, dramatic lighting
emphasizing the smoke and debris. --ar 16:9 (大厦爆炸后,超级英雄以英雄姿态降落在卷起的碎片中:震撼的动作镜头,戏剧性的灯光突出了烟雾和碎片。--ar 16:9)
full body shot of a romantic kiss under torrential rain,
the backdrop a cityscape reflecting neon colors, inspired by romantic dramas
--ar 16:9 (暴雨中浪漫之吻的全身镜头,背景是霓虹闪烁的城市景观,灵感来自浪漫剧)
Action-packed shot of a car speeding away on an empty road,
dust swirling behind, an element of urgency palpable in the scene --ar 16:9 (汽车在空旷的公路上飞驰,尘土飞扬,场景中的紧迫感油然而生)
# 散景摄影 (Bokeh Photography)
散景摄影是一种强调图像中离焦区域的美学品质的流派。散景源自日语单词“boke”,意思是“模糊”,散景将光线的焦点变成美丽、模糊的圆圈或形状,创造出令人愉悦的背景。在 Midjourney 中,可以通过提示词直接指定或者暗示背景中包含光点,如节日灯、路灯或蜡烛,且背景是模糊的 (blur)、浅景深的 (shallow depth of focus) 或梦幻的 (dreamy) 。或者包含 “boken” 这个单词。
Prompt: A sailboat on calm waters, with a bokeh moon and
its reflection on water in the background (平静水面上的帆船,背景是虚化的月亮及其在水面上的倒影)

A couple sharing a romantic kiss under a torrential rain;
background filled with blurred holiday lights (一对情侣在暴雨中浪漫拥吻,背景是模糊的节日彩灯)
A lone pedestrian on a quiet city street, with streetlights
and car headlights forming a bokeh background (安静的城市街道上的孤独行人,路灯和汽车前灯形成散景背景)
A girl reading a book, with blurred candles in the
background creating a soft, dreamy bokeh (一个女孩在读书,背景中的蜡烛模糊,营造出柔和、梦幻的散景效果)
A New Year's celebration with champagne glasses in focus
and fireworks creating a bokeh effect in the background (新年庆祝活动,以香槟酒杯为焦点,烟花在背景中营造出散景效果)
# 运动模糊摄影 (Motion Blur Photography)
Midjourney 提示词时,你可以这样描述:
显示流动和方向,如漩涡 (swirls)、条纹 (streaks) 线条 (lines) 和轨迹 (trails)
此外,你还可以添加这些词 “dynamic and action-packed”,“speed lines”,“speed and motion”,“in the style of motion
blur panorama”。哪些词是否有效根据图片的内容而定。
a porsche gt4 racing down a track, in the style of motion
blur panorama, sunrays shine upon it --ar 16:9 (一辆保时捷
GT4 在赛道上飞驰,采用动态模糊全景风格,阳光照射在它身上)

# 微距摄影 (Macro Photography)
写 Midjourney
极端特写 (extreme close-up)的视角,揭示微小的细节。例如,“蜜蜂多面眼睛的极度放大 (Extreme magnification of a bee's multifaceted eye)”。
展示纹理、图案、阴影。例如,“一棵粗糙的老树上有纹理的树皮的微距视图 (Macro
浅景深,可选择性锐聚焦。例如,“模糊背景下蝴蝶清晰的(tack sharp) 翅膀”。
逆光和侧光可以突出细节。例如,"逆光微距拍摄蒲公英种子头部发光 (Backlit macro of a dandelion seed head glowing)"。
Prompt: extreme close up of an eye of a small lizard,
national geographic photo --ar 16:9 (小蜥蜴眼睛的极度特写,国家地理图片)

an extreme closeup photo of a fly eye covered in drops of
water, symmetry, in the style of Thomas Shahan (一张苍蝇眼睛被水滴覆盖的极度特写照片,对称,具有 Thomas Shahan 的风格)
backlit macro of crystalline snowflake shapes revealed
under huge magnification with black background, minimalist (背光微距拍摄,黑色背景下放大镜下的雪花晶体形状,极简风格)
Extreme magnification of a ladybug's shell, focusing on the
geometric patterns and colors (瓢虫外壳的极度放大,聚焦几何图案和颜色)
Extreme close-up of an eye, incredible details in the iris
and vascular patterns visible (眼睛特写,虹膜和血管纹路的细节清晰可见,令人难以置信)
# 街头摄影 (Street Photography)
也可以使用一些黑白胶片,如 Kodak Tri-X 400,Ilford HP5 Plus。
35mm 的镜头在街头摄影中非常常用,可以添加到提示词当中
可以添加一些专门的街头摄影的相机,如 Fujifilm X100V,Leica Q2,Nikon Z fc,Ricoh
Prompt: low angle view of paper money blown everywhere
around a ecstatic businessman at a crowded intersection, Kodak Tri-X 400 (在一个拥挤的十字路口,低角度拍摄一位欣喜若狂的商人身边被吹得到处都是的纸币)

A curious toddler peering into a vintage toy shop window,
Fujifilm X100V (一个好奇的小孩凝视着古董玩具店的橱窗)
Silhouette of a lone skateboarder against the setting sun
in a Venice Beach skatepark, 35mm lens (威尼斯海滩滑板公园夕阳下孤独滑板者的剪影,35 毫米镜头)
A monk offering blessings at a busy Bangkok intersection,
35mm lens (一位和尚在曼谷繁忙的十字路口祈福,35mm 镜头)
A child's wonder at floating bubbles in a bustling Prague
town square, Fujifilm X100V (一个孩子对繁华的布拉格城镇广场上漂浮的气泡感到惊奇,Fujifilm X100V)
# 高速摄影 (High-Speed Photography)
高速摄影是以凝固时间的方式捕捉快速移动的物体或事件,让我们看到肉眼无法看到的细节。这类题材通常包括爆裂的气球、飞溅的液体、破碎的玻璃或任何涉及快速运动或变化的物体。熟悉高速摄影背后的技巧和技术,可以写出更有效的 Midjourney 提示词。
详细描述飞溅、碰撞、爆炸等快速动作。如 "high speed sync (高速同步)"。
把高速闪光灯 (high-speed flash) 纳入提示词
以 "the moment" 为开头,例如 “the moment a drop of water falls into the water (水滴落入水中的一瞬间)”
使用一个非常快的快门速度,例如 “a drop of water falls into
the water, 1/8000s shutter speed (一滴水落入水中,1/8000 秒快门速度)”
Prompt: Ink dropped into water, intricately detailed crown
splash formations developed the moment the liquid hits the surface (墨水滴入水中,在液体接触水面的瞬间,形成了错综复杂的冠状水花形态)

The moment a hummingbird flaps its wings, captured with a
fast shutter speed (用快速快门捕捉蜂鸟扇动翅膀的瞬间)
The moment a balloon filled with paint bursts, captured
with high-speed flash (用高速闪光灯捕捉到的装满颜料的气球破裂瞬间)
Capture the explosion of color as a chalk bomb detonates,
using high-speed sync (使用高速同步技术,捕捉粉笔炸弹爆炸时的色彩爆炸效果)
# 长曝光摄影 (Long Exposure Photography)
你可以把 “long
exposure” 纳入提示词来指定这个摄影类型。或者指定一个很慢的快门速度,例如 2秒,10秒,1分钟等。
Prompt: long exposure of an ocean, serene simplicity, dark
emerald and sky-blue, moody and tranquil scenes --ar 16:9 (长时间曝光的海洋,宁静简约,深翡翠色和天蓝色,充满情调的宁静场景)

long exposure photography of an ocean sunset with a pier in
front of it, calm waters, clouds in the sky like running water --ar 16:9 (长时间曝光拍摄的海边日落,日落前有一个码头,水面平静,天空中的云彩如流水般飘荡)
Light trails streaming from car headlights on a bridge at
night during 30 second exposure (夜间桥上汽车车灯发出的流光轨迹,曝光 30 秒)
Milky waters cascading down a forest waterfall with a
10-second exposure, Hasselblad X1D (从森林瀑布倾泻而下的银河,10 秒钟曝光,哈苏 X1D)
Lightning strikes during a thunderstorm captured in a
20-second exposure (雷雨中的闪电,20 秒曝光拍摄)
# 风光摄影 (Landscape Photography)
风光摄影的关键词包括 "景观
(vista)"和 "全景
有趣的自然光,如黄金时段 (golden hour)、蓝色时段 (blue hour)、暴风雨天气 (stormy weather),可增强戏剧性和情绪。例如,“在岩石海岸线上,戏剧性的光柱冲破厚重的雨云”。
可以指定一些形容规模的形容词,如广阔的 (expansive)、史诗般的 (epic)、宏伟的 (grandiose)、分层的 (layered)。
"14mm lens",或者使用 "wide shot/extreme wide
shot (广角/超广角)" 来指定景别。
可以指定一些优秀的风光摄影相机,如 Sony A7R IV,Nikon D850,Canon EOS R5,Hasselblad X1D,Fujifilm GFX,Phase One 等等。
可以使用国家地理这样的词 (national geographic photo)
通常使用 "--ar 16:9" 或 ''--ar 4:3' 指定宽高比。
Prompt: Layers of rolling fog over San Francisco cityscape
at blue hour, Phase One, urban landscape --ar 4:3 (蓝天白云下旧金山城市景观上空的层层薄雾,Phase One,城市景观)

river in guilin chinese countryside, in the style of light
red and dark gold, panorama, national geographic photo, richly colored skies,
Nikon D850 --ar 16:9 (中国桂林乡村的河,浅红暗金风格,全景,国家地理照片,色彩丰富的天空,尼康 D850)
Golden hour glow on the Grand Canyon, highlighting rugged
textures, Canon EOS R5, expansive vista --ar 16:9 (大峡谷的金色时刻,凸显出崎岖不平的纹理,佳能 EOS R5,广阔的视野)
Sweeping panoramic view of the Serengeti at sunrise,
National Geographic photo, wild and expansive --ar 16:9 (日出时塞伦盖蒂一望无际的全景,《国家地理》杂志照片,野性而辽阔)
Ethereal waterfall in Iceland, silky water effect with long
exposure, Sony A7R IV, vibrant colors --ar 16:9 (冰岛的空灵瀑布,长时间曝光带来丝绸般的水流效果,索尼 A7R IV,色彩鲜艳)
# 无人机/航空摄影 (Drone/Aerial
无人机/航空摄影可以从空中视角捕捉场景,提供独特的视角,往往令人叹为观止。它常用于风景、城市和活动摄影。你可以在 Midjourney 提示词中包括这些词:
Bird's-eye view, God's eye view, drone-footage, aerial
perspective, aerial view, aerial landscape, helicopter view, airplane view
Prompt: Aerial view looking down on ancient rice terraces
carved into the misty mountains of rural China, panorama, golden hour, national
geographic photo, intricate geometric patterns in shades of emerald green and
earthy brown --ar 16:9 (鸟瞰中国农村缥缈群山中的古老水稻梯田,全景,黄金时间,国家地理照片,翠绿和土褐色色调的复杂几何图案)

Aerial drone view of a busy harbor at golden hour.
Intricate patterns of docked boats reflect warm sunset light rippling across
the water. Long shadow and light beams dramatically illuminate the detailed
scene. Cinematic lighting. --ar 16:9 (无人机航拍金色时刻繁忙的港口。停靠船只的复杂图案反射出温暖的落日余晖,在水面上荡漾。长长的阴影和光束戏剧性地照亮了细致的场景。电影般的照明。)
Aerial perspective of a skate park, capturing skateboarders
in action, with long shadows stretching out as the sun sets (滑板公园的鸟瞰图,捕捉滑板者的动作,随着夕阳西下,长长的影子伸展开来)
Drone-footage of an ancient fortress on a hill, illuminated
by the setting or rising sun, with the surrounding landscape cast in soft, warm
light (无人机拍摄的山上一座古老堡垒的画面,被落日或初升的太阳照亮,周围的景观投下柔和、温暖的光线)
Aerial landscape of a volcanic crater lake, capturing the
surreal colors and the stark contrast between the water and the surrounding
terrain (火山口湖的空中景观,捕捉到超现实的色彩以及水与周围地形之间的鲜明对比)
# 双重曝光摄影 (Double Exposure Photography)
双重曝光摄影是将两幅不同的图像叠加到一个画面中。它具有超现实、梦幻的特质,能激发观众的想象力。在写 Midjourney 提示词时,首先要明确你要将哪两个不同的场景或主题叠加在一起。这两个元素组合在一起可以讲述一个故事或者描绘一个概念。这两个元素之间最好形成有趣的互补或者对比。你可以用这个提示词模板:Double exposure photography of [element 1] and [element 2], white
background。其中 "element 1" 和 "element 1" 分别是你要合并的两个元素。你也可以加上这两个摄影师增强效果:Double exposure photography of [element 1] and [element 2], white
background, by Dan Mountford, by Dan Hillier.
Prompt: Double exposure photography of a waterfall and a
woman in a flowing dress, white background (瀑布和飘逸女子的双重曝光摄影,白色背景)

Double exposure photography of a mountain and a howling
wolf, white background, by Dan Mountford (山和狼嚎的双重曝光摄影,白色背景,作者:Dan Mountford)
Double exposure photography of a majestic bison and great
grass plains, white background, by Dan Mountford, by Dan Hillier (雄伟的野牛和大草原的双重曝光摄影,白色背景,作者:Dan Mountford,作者:Dan Hillier)
Double exposure photography of a surfer and a tidal wave,
white background (冲浪者与潮汐的双重曝光摄影,白色背景)
# 野生动物摄影 (Wildlife Photography)
野生动物摄影捕捉自然栖息地中的动物,揭示自然世界的美丽和复杂性。在写 Midjourney 提示词时,你可以这样描述:
Prompt: Massive herd of impala gallop across Tanzanian
plains backlit by golden hour sun, backlit by the golden glow of the setting
sun. Dust kicks up around their nimble hooves as the antelope bound through the
tall golden grasses. Nikon D850. --ar 16:9 (在金色夕阳的映照下,庞大的黑斑羚群在坦桑尼亚平原上飞奔。羚羊在高高的金色草丛中奔跑,灵活的蹄子周围尘土飞扬。尼康 D850。)

an arctic fox with its winter coat, walking in falling
snow, blurry snowflakes in the background, Sony A7R IV (一只披着冬衣的北极狐在飘雪中行走,背景是模糊的雪花,索尼 A7R IV)
vibrant colors and intricate dance steps of a male
bird-of-paradise during its mating display, Olympus OM-D E-M1X (雄性天堂鸟交配时鲜艳的色彩和复杂的舞步,奥林巴斯OM-D E-M1X)
an entire elephant herd at a watering hole during the
golden hour, emphasizing the textures of their skin and the water droplets
splashing around them, Nikon D850 —ar 16:9
(金色时刻,整群大象在水坑边饮水,突出大象皮肤的质感和周围飞溅的水珠,尼康 D850)
# 水下摄影 (Underwater Photography)
包含 "underwater photography" 这个关键词。
Prompt: a translucent jellyfish against a pitch-black
background, backlighting emphasizing its glow, ethereal mood, underwater
photography (漆黑背景下的半透明水母,逆光突出其光芒,空灵意境,水下摄影)

a seahorse with a soft blurred background of colorful
coral, enchanting patterns, delicate textures, underwater photography (一只海马,柔和模糊的背景是五颜六色的珊瑚,迷人的图案,细腻的纹理,水下摄影)
a green sea turtle gracefully floating along a coral reef,
beams of sunlight illuminating its shell through turquoise water, Nikon D850 (一只绿色海龟优雅地漂浮在珊瑚礁上,一束束阳光透过碧绿的海水照亮了它的龟壳,尼康 D850)
a tranquil coral garden in shallow water, where beams of
sunlight create natural highlights and shadows on the reef (浅水区宁静的珊瑚花园,一束束阳光在珊瑚礁上形成自然的亮点和阴影)
# 天体摄影 (Astrophotography)
考虑视角,例如拍摄充满星星的宽视野风景、深空物体 (deep space
objects) 的远摄照片
指定一些天体摄影所用的相机或望远镜,如 Nikon D850,Sony A7S III,Canon EOS Ra,Celestron EdgeHD 800。
Prompt: Saturn's rings tilted optimally to showcase their
fine structure, photographed using a reflector (土星环以最佳倾斜角度展示其精细结构,使用反射镜拍摄)

A Milky Way panorama arched majestically above a remote
dark sky forest, long-exposure star trails winding endlessly through the inky
blackness, Nikon D850 --ar 16:9 (银河全景在遥远的暗夜森林上空巍然拱起,长时间曝光的星轨在漆黑中蜿蜒不绝,尼康 D850)
Dramatic auroral glow illuminating the crisp night sky
above a remote Alaskan cabin, Canon EOS Ra (壮观的极光照亮了阿拉斯加偏远小木屋上方清爽的夜空,佳能 EOS Ra)
Comet NEOWISE's brilliant tail spreading out behind its
gaseous head glows greenish-white in long exposure against a deep indigo
backdrop sprinkled with stars, Celestron EdgeHD 800 (NEOWISE彗星绚丽的尾部从气态头部后方延伸出来,在洒满星星的深靛蓝色背景下,长时间曝光后闪耀着青白色的光芒,Celestron EdgeHD 800)
# 黑白摄影 (Black and White Photography)
黑白摄影是一种经典的摄影媒介,注重色调范围、对比度和质感,往往能为图像增添永恒的品质。黑白摄影专注于纹理、色调、形状和图案。当你要 Midjourney 生成建筑,自然或人像时,可以考虑这种类型。下面是一些建议:
在提示词中指定徕卡 M6 或哈苏等经典胶片相机,或者指定 Ilford HP5 Plus、Kodak Tri-X 400 等胶片,可以营造出真实、复古的感觉。
如果指定的相机或胶片没有产生黑白效果,可以加入关键词 “black and white”。
如果要生成肖像,可以加一些表达情感的词 - 微笑、大笑、沉思。
Prompt: A crop duster soaring over lush cotton fields
beneath stormy skies, caught mid-flight against billowing cumulus, Kodak Tri-X
400 (在暴风雨的天空下,一架农作物喷粉机在郁郁葱葱的棉花田上空翱翔,飞行途中被卷起的积云拍到,柯达 Tri-X 400)

A photographer standing on the dock gazing out at a foggy
harbor at dawn, boats fading mysteriously into the mist, Ilford HP5 Plus --ar
16:9 (一位摄影师站在码头上,凝望着黎明时分雾气弥漫的港口,船只神秘地消失在薄雾中,Ilford
HP5 Plus)
Surfing silhouette framed against an incoming stormy
sunset, caught in motion on a dark beach thrown into chiaroscuro, Ilford HP5
Plus --ar 16:9 (冲浪者的身影映衬着暴风雨来袭的夕阳,在黑暗的海滩上运动着,充满了鲜明的色彩)
Labyrinthine branches of a bare winter tree fill the frame
against a pewter sky, intricate structure brought out in high contrast
monochrome, Leica M6 (在紫铜色天空的映衬下,一棵光秃秃的冬日树枝如迷宫般布满画面,高对比度的单色画呈现出错综复杂的结构,徕卡 M6)
# 复古摄影 (Vintage Photography)
指定一个过去的时代,如1920 年代、二战时代、中国唐代等等
指定经典相机,如 Kodak Brownie、Kodak Retina、Leica M3、Hasselblad 500C/M、Nikon F3
Prompt: full body shot of a Well-dressed qipao-clad lady
wearing vintage shoes promenading through a public garden, chatting and smiling
together holding folded fans and leafing through books as tags identify them
for a photo club collection, 1910s Shanghai --ar 2:3 (全身拍摄一位身着旗袍的女士,穿着复古皮鞋,漫步于公共花园,手持折扇,微笑着聊天,翻阅书籍,标签上写着为摄影俱乐部收藏,1910 年代,上海)

A family gathered around a radio smiling on Christmas Day
in the 1930s, soft light glows through the window, Kodak Retina (20 世纪 30 年代的圣诞节,一家人围着收音机微笑,柔和的光线透过窗户照进来,柯达
Sailors dancing with girls in a Parisian nightclub by
flashing bulbs in 1944, joy amidst turmoil of war (1944 年,在巴黎夜总会的闪光灯下,水手们与女孩们翩翩起舞,在战乱中感受欢乐)
Optimistic pioneers gathered by their covered wagon on the
Western plains, squinting into the setting sun's warm glow, 1860s (19 世纪 60 年代,西部平原上,乐观的拓荒者们聚集在有篷马车旁,眯着眼睛看着夕阳温暖的余晖)
# 玩具摄影 (Toy Photography)
玩具摄影使微型人物和物品栩栩如生,往往能创造出异想天开或戏剧性的场景。通过对玩具和微缩模型的描述,Midjourney 可以呈现出错综复杂的玩具镜头。
指定玩具 - 人偶、玩偶、车辆、毛绒玩具、模型、棋盘游戏等。
描述玩具可能放置的现实场景 - 家庭、街道、风景、幻想世界。叙事场景效果很好。
必要时可以添加 “toy photography” 这个关键词
Prompt: Playmobil rescuers brave harsh snow flurries to
save stranded siblings building an igloo in a winter wonderland --ar 16:9
(Playmobil 救援人员冒着严寒雪花,拯救在冬季仙境中建造冰屋的受困兄妹)

Action figures wage an epic battle amidst an imaginary
terrain under a table lamp nearing dawn --ar 16:9 (临近黎明的台灯下,动作人物在假想的地形中展开了一场史诗般的战斗)
Plastic soldiers take command of a miniature city under
cover of darkness, stealthily liberating from toy tank treads (塑料士兵在黑暗的掩护下指挥微型城市,从玩具坦克的踏脚板上偷偷地解放出来)
Toy Story gang relax at Pizza Planet after adventures, the
arcade's neon dazzle illuminating their boxescover storytime before bed (玩具总动员伙伴们冒险结束后在披萨星球放松身心,拱廊的霓虹灯照亮了他们的盒子,覆盖着睡前的故事时间)
# 红外摄影 (Infrared Photography)
把 infrared photography 写入提示词
把红外胶片纳入提示词,如 Rollei Infrared 400
Prompt: Bright white trees eerily glowing against a pitch black
infrared sky in the forest --ar 16:9 (明亮的白色树木在森林中漆黑的红外线天空下闪闪发光)

windswept prairie with tall grasses waving in the breeze
dotted with wildflowers, infrared photography --ar 16:9 (风吹草低见牛羊的大草原,高高的牧草在微风中摇摆,野花点缀其间,红外摄影)
tranquil riverside scene, weeping willows trailing their
green leaves into the water's edge, Rollei Infrared 400 (宁静的河边景色,垂柳将绿叶拖入水边)
tranquil lake, willows draping their branches over clear
waters, reflecting a sea of green, Rollei Infrared 400 (宁静的湖面,柳树在清澈的水面上垂下枝条,倒映出一片绿色的海洋)
# 结语
在 Midjourney
中添加特定流派的摄影师也能让图片拥有特定特派的风光。出于篇幅的限制,本文并未介绍。需要时你可以用搜索引擎进行查询,比如输入关键词 "best photographers for xxx photography"。